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Conheça as empresas parceiras ELO

Cresça no local que a sua empresa está, com uma visão global de negócios.
Conectar com outras empresas e empreendedoras pelo mundo é fazer ELOS.
Afilie a sua empresa para ser uma parceira ELO.

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Benefícios em ser uma empresa PARCEIRA : O que a sua empresa ganha?

Sendo uma parceira(o) ELO voce tem vários benefícios. A sua empresa adquire um canal de divulgação internacional, aumenta a base de leads e adquire novos clientes.

Retorno financeiro para a sua empresa

O E.L.O Connect constroi para a sua empresa uma landing page com um link individual para ser divulgada e fazer transações internacionais.

Ação LOCAL & divulgação GLOBAL

Na plataforma E.L.O Connect
a sua empresa valida conhecimentos no seguimento, construoi audiência e estabelece autoridade internacional.

Visibilidade Internacional

A principal vantagem é alcançar novos consumidores para seus produtos e serviços.

Aumento da base de leads, estratégia inbound

 A plataforma E.L.O Connect  fornece um formulário a ser preenchido pelo cliente interessado no seu conteúdo, aumentando a taxa de conversão e a sua base de leads.

Venha parceiria com o E.L.O Connect.
Seja ELO.


Why bring your company to E.L.O CONNECT International Networking

What are the advantages of trading in Brazil? MERCOSUR and BRICS therefore create trading and commercial opportunities, plus an ease of access to members’ markets. The country’s international connections are among the most attractive advantages for companies operating out of Brazil.

As the largest economy in Latin America and the 9th largest economy worldwide, Brazil is a favorable place for foreign business development.
If you are considering expanding your business to Brazil, but are unsure of the first steps, become a ELO Connect PARTNER , we will assist you and your company to develop their operations in Brazil. Also, we can assist you with latest news and advice about expanding your business globally .

Benefits for the PARTNER company:
As a Partner, your company will acquired another marketing channel, get leads, drive sales, increase brand awareness.
ELO team provides a  individual link Landing Page for your company to reach to consumers who share same value as ELO
Your company would be able to offer special buying conditions under the "buying power" proposition to a huge consumer market. The size and diversity of the consumer market has created a wealth of exciting commercial opportunities for foreign businesses looking to access new clientele within Brazil.

What does your company gain?
In addition to a financial return, trading or establishing a commercial presence in Brazil gives companies easy access to other countries in the region and allows them to take advantage of strategic trade agreements. Brazil is part of the Southern Common Market, commonly known as MERCOSUR, which was established in 1991. Companies incorporated in Brazil have direct access to Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Founding Members) and also 7 other Associated Members through this multilateral agreement. MERCOSUR creates plenty of trading and commercial opportunities and provides attractive fiscal advantages for companies operating out of Brazil.

Marketing permission: By submitting this form, I give my consent to ELO to be in contact with me via email using the information that I have provided in this form and for the purpose of providing me updates about doing business in Brazil and/or for marketing purposes.


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